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An initiative of the AG Kino - Gilde by cinemas for cinemas, supported by the FFA German Federal Film Board.

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Join in

Apply for a visit by the Kinodoktor team

Would you like to have your cinema thoroughly checked by friendly colleagues? Would you like to take a fresh look at your marketing campaign or get help from experienced cinema makers to optimize the processes within the team?

Currently the registration is open for Geman cinemas only. If you are interested in the project, please contact us. We would be more than happy to share the idea.

Become a Kinodoktor

Are you interested in becoming a peer yourself, visiting other cinemas and conducting audits on colleagues? One of the project's stated goals is to expand the network and train additional peers in order to ensure that all cinemas nationwide have the best possible access to the method.

Currently for Geman cinemas only. If you are interested in the project, please contact us. We would be more than happy to share the idea.

These German cinemas joined already
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From cinemas for cinemas

An offer for peer review at eye level.

With the "Kinodoktor" - quality management for cinemas, cinema operators - regardless of their association membership - are given the opportunity to analyze, optimize, review and further develop their processes in the spirit of continuous improvement.

The heart of the process is a peer review procedure in which trained cinema colleagues, so-called peers, together with the local cinema operators, work through a structured questionnaire based on elements of DIN EN ISO 9001 for quality management in different operational areas and thus uncover optimization potential.


Both the cinema and the visiting peer can benefit from these visits. At the end, the cinema receives a detailed report with a comprehensive analysis of strengths and weaknesses and a wide range of suggestions for improvement.

Cinemamakers about the visit of the Kinodoktor

At the Leipziger Filmkunstmesse (Arthouse Cinema Fair) 2023, four cinema operators were able to share their experiences with the Kinodoktor on a panel German language.

Every cinema is unique and no label can reflect the diversity. Nevertheless, there are objective criteria for quality in cinema companies. Maintaining and improving these is a constant process.
For me, the project means driving forward the professionalization of our processes, identifying existing weaknesses and discovering potential, and also the opportunity to build a helpful network. The issue of quality management in cinemas has become more widely known and a basis for better operational organization has been created. In Essen, we had a particular challenge with four locations on one day.

Nonetheless, Daniel and Valeska showed attention and appreciation for each of the cinemas. We are particularly pleased that the project is moving into the next round and that we can hopefully continue to be involved!

David Schreiber, Lichtburg Essen und Essener Filmkunsttheater



Project team

The project team consists of Valeska Hanel and Daniel Charigault, who have already accompanied the pilot phase. The project is coordinated by Daniel Wunschansky from the AG Kino-Gilde.


The Kinodoktor is a project of the AG Kino - Gilde, supported by the FFA German Federal Film Board.

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