On Tuesday, May 16, 2023, the training for future cinema doctors took place at the Astor Grande Cinema in Hanover. Twelve committed cinema operators from seven federal states took part to obtain certification as auditors for quality management in cinemas.
The basics of quality management, planning and conducting audits and communication strategies were taught in order to show cinema operators the potential of their cinemas and to formulate possible measures individually and collegially. An initial practical exercise with three fictitious cinema scenarios as an introduction to the extensive list of questions rounded off the training.
In addition to imparting knowledge about the audits, the Kinodoktor project team was able to present the interim status of the evaluations of the visits that had already taken place. During the pilot phase, Valeska Hanel, Martin Turowski and Daniel Charigault audited thirteen cinemas nationwide and subsequently asked the cinemas to provide an anonymous evaluation. Encouragingly, the overwhelming majority of cinema operators described the support provided by the Kinodoktors as extremely or very good and stated that they would be extremely or highly likely to recommend the audits to other colleagues and would also like to use the service again in the future.
The pilot project has been met with broad approval in the industry and the desire to make it part of regular operations was clearly expressed by the cinema operators present. The challenge now is to secure long-term organization and financing for the cinema consultations after the pilot phase ends at the end of June.
The Kinodoktor - Quality Management for Cinemas is a project of Neustart Kino AG Kino, BkF, HDF Kino GbR and is funded by the BKM as part of Neustart Kultur.
Contact person: Valeska Hanel, Martin Turowski: qm@neustartkino.de